There's much to see here. So, take your time, and look around. Then make sure to drop me a line.
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We understand the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah- the Son of David, the son of Abraham.
As we dive into the generation, it is clear that there are fourteen generations from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah-"Jesus Christ."
Who wrote the book: Jude
Who is Jude: a boundservant of Jesus Christ and the half-brother of our Lord, is the author of this book. His unique relationship with Jesus gives his words a particular authority.
Purpose of the letter: a warning to the body of the church. It also intends to examine merely the Old Testament.
Jude's main argument: is identifying
the "False teachers" impacting the church. To encourage believers to contend for the faith and stand firm.
What is the theology: that our God is our Father and Savior.
Key Verse: (Jude 20-21 - KJV)
Summary of the Book: An early Christian community receives an urgent warning to be vigilant against false teachers, to learn from past warnings and examples, and to rely on grace.
The letter introduced Jude, who gives the rightful place to Jesus Christ and his position in the kingdom of the Lord. He is calling the church to keep God active in your life (V. 1)
Jude remained the body of the church father's "grace," what it is, and how it is presented and given to the church. (V.2)
Jude intends to discuss the sins of God's children, emphasizing our unity in the body of Christ and our shared faith in the kingdom of God. He urges us to remain steadfast in the faith given by the Holy Spirit, fostering a strong sense of belonging and unity (V. 3).
Jude informs us that ungodly men have entered the church and will attempt to change the gospel of the Holy Spirit. We must resist these ungodly influences to remain steadfast in our faith (V.4).
Jude takes a moment to remind the church of the Lord's past actions, mainly how He led His people out of bondage. This historical reference, Exodus (V.5), is a powerful reminder of God's might and should invoke a sense of awe in the audience.
Jude spoke of the rebelling of Satan and the other angels who rebelled against the kingdom of God. Jude also tells us that the worse angles (V.6)- Rel 12, the angles allow satan to enter into their heart.
(V.7) Jude presents the correlation between the current crises and the "Sins" of the people as examined in (Gen. 18-19)"Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jude points out the false teachers and their approach to dirty the body of Christ through "Sin/false peaching. "Dreamers" (V.8).
(V.9) Jude presents another correlation by reminding us about Micheal's dispute with Stan over Mose's body by standing behind the Lord and rebuking Satan. Jude tells the church that they cannot fight evil alone and should rely on their faith in the Lord. Jude also reminded us that Satan wants to cause shame to the body of Christ.
Mention of Micheal: Dan 10 &12, Rev-12, Deu 35.
(V.10) Jude shares another point about false teachers, "speaking evil," changing God's word to please themselves. Jude identified "brute beast" as (natural man) and says that they "Corrupt themsevles" speak or follow things that they do not understand.
(V.11) Jude is speaking from the extension of (V.10) that the people are responding the way "they take the way of Cain (Gen.4) Self-righteousness and unbelievers. Jude went on to say " run greedily" the false teachers are in the body of Christ for the "money" or "what profits them." in "the error of Balaam" (Num.22-24).
S: Scripture: Write out a verse or passage of scripture
O: Observation: What stood out for you about the verse? Were there any commands or instruction
A: Application: How can you practically apply this verse to your life today? How can you live in light of this truth in your daily actions and decisions?
P: prayer writes out a prayer. Ask God to lead you with the presented scripture.
We came to understand that Mary agreed to marries to Joseph, but before they came together, she found that she was with a child of the Holy Spirit. Knowing this and being just a man, Joseph agreed not to be embarrassed and faithful to the Law; he planned to give her a secret divorce away from the public. God had different plans for Joseph; an angel of the Lord God appeared to him in a dream, saying, " Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary, your wife for which conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son; you shall name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.
All this was done, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet. Other "prophets" wanted Joseph to call the child of Mary Immanuel, which is "God with us."
When I think about this power conversion occurs, the only thing that comes to mind is "Faith." What is faith? Most of us ask that question when discussing religion, spiritual beings, or the Most High God. Faith is often said to be "believing in something even when you can't see it."
In this case, we hear, see, and read that Joseph's "FAITH" in God is beyond anything that gives no room for doubt. Joseph was a just man-"mean very obedient to Lord's Laws." Because he demonstrated such characteristics, it was easy for him to be responsive in receiving what the angel had shared. His faith - presents a loud volume- knowing what the Lord has given him- "Life" and the guide to his strength, services, and obedience to God.
During this time, it says that the wise men from the East visit Jerusalem, wanting to see Jesus-"where is he who has been born know, of Jew" as they came, as they seem his star in the East and have come to worship him.
No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate and love the other or be loyal to the one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon.
Interpretation: " serving two masters"-man can put their desires for the world over God but reject Jesus Christ. "hate and love the other or be loyal to the one and despise the other"- man would have a permanent place and will always be confused about where they belong, there will be no consistent peace, joy, and happiness.
The best thing in life is being a mother/parent. Being a parent to this beautiful soul, brilliant, kind, and handsome young man is the most advantageous great blessing I can ever receive from God. I find that being a part of his culture group of things he likes to do allows me to do my motherly in with him and me. So, mom and dad, it's okay to partake in things your children like to do by getting out of your skin; so that your parent can check in with them. You will find they open up so much on things you don't know. Even though you are doing all these things with them; it does not say that you are their friends; we never want them to think that, but instead that you are human and meet them where they're at.
When we think about "open conversation," we are not thinking about having it with our children, but rather with adults like ourselves. Because some might say that the children need to "Stay in their place," "they are children," and "We are the adults," granted those things are true. You must ask yourself, "what is an open conversation" can it "benefit your relationship." As a parent, open conversation is constantly present. It creates interactive situations in which my son can freely ask open-ended questions, share concerns where we are free but respectfully listen attentively and learn from one another. For me, open conversation showed me that we both had experienced the same thing differently. Finally, it starts an ongoing dialogue that addresses anything with complete transparency.
As mothers, we are called to do so much with little experience but with great expectations. But as such, we have embraced it with so much strength and grace; we detected ourselves to process, mission, and the job without second-guessing ourselves.
I have seen my mother raise four children while working two full-time jobs (as a headmistress & nurse) and at the same time fighting her way out of an abusive relationship with little support or guidance. Yet, she continued to handle it with strength and grace. After leaving my father, my siblings, mother, and I stayed with her childhood friend, who kindly allowed my mother to build a small cottage at the back of her home. Can you believe it? My mother gathers two men and herself to create a temporary home until she could establish some form of stability. As a single mother, she had experienced so much poverty and housing issues; yet, she seeks patience for her children and understanding to process, mission, and job as a mother and a parent. With all that, she has raised four educated individuals, career-driven and great parents ourselves.
As a mother and a parent to a 13-year-old young man, I have embraced the same strength and while educating myself. I have said this many times- anyone can be a mother or a father, but being a parent is different.
The average definition noted that "a parent is a person who brings up and cares for another." A parent can share various forms when genetics does not play a role; however, it substantiates the most critical thing-patience and understanding.
Being a parent has given/teaches me how to be patient and understanding and what does that looks, feels, and means. My son Austin has challenged me in so many ways, and at the time, I could have disappointed him and myself within the role I have acquired. I have said to myself that I achieved this role as a mother and a parent, and it was necessary and my responsibility to raise this child into the young man he needs to be and hopefully turn around and do the same things for his children. Nevertheless, we must always ask ourselves, "What would that pathway, grace, and understanding look like for our children if we don't reflect patience and understanding "? I had to connect and understand- the decisive care, pressing parenting challenges, failure in imparting moral values, lack of emotional bonding, and uncertainty of what life would look like and mean to him and myself. Through it all, patience and understanding were my main tools to educated and elevated myself.
I will leave you with this by Bob Keeshan "Parents are the ultimate role models for their children. Every word, movement and action effect. No other person or outside course has a greater influence on a child than the parent".
Do we ever ask ourselves what it means to "acknowledge " and "apologize" as parents?
Natural meaning says that Acknowledge - to recognize and admit the truth. Apologize- identifying what you said or done that causes someone to hurt and feeling differently about themselves.
Knowing this, as a mother, always make sure that I genuinely acknowledge that my son's Austin is a person first before my son; in such, he deserves my respect at all time. If I say, act or do something that causes hurt or shift of emotions/feelings, I must first acknowledge what happened and what role I played, whether positive or negative. When this occurred, I must see him as a person who deserves to identify my role, validate his emotions or feelings, and apologize. As his mother and the authoritative position hold, nothing change.
Throughout my personal and professional experiences, I have found that parents find it hard to recognize and understand what they have done might have been wrong, inappropriate, and hurtful, knowing that they need to acknowledge and apologize. Then I asked myself, How can someone provide such insight or change as it was not giving? I am not saying that we have to see our children or child as equal as they are not. As parents, our duties are to ensure that they raise with respect, grace, love, emotions, feels and connection. In shared, we move on to ensure that they truly understand what that "Look like & Means" for themselves and give to others.
I leave you with this, Asked yourself, Why can I acknowledge when I am wrong or caused hurt to your children or child? Or why apologizing to your child or children makes you feel that they hold all the powder?
Having a defined moment in bed alone for 10 minutes does make a difference as a parent. I must admit it allows the body and the brain to tell itself, "she is awake and ready to activate. One should always share a moment of Stillness before starting the body and brain—housekeeping rule, "Stillness can create a positive day."
A new journey starts somewhere, so here I am; let's explore this founded outlet together. If you like what you see or read, drop a message.
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